Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Birthday treat boxes and Halloween cookies

This a short post but I wanted to share this with ya'll. I had made these treat boxes for my daughter's birthday so she could pass out to her classmates and also inside were Halloween cookies. The cookies my mom made them of a ghost and a pumpkin and they were package in a cellophane bag. I made the pink boxes for the girls and the green ones for the boys.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween treat bags

I made these Halloween treat bags which are also called box in a bag for my daughter's Pre-K class. I loved the way that they came out. I also made some for my mom so she could take to her coworkers but on hers I did the closure in green and the bottom border also in green. My daughter's teacher emailed me letting me know that the kids loved the treat bags. So here are my pictures of what I came up with. The stamps I used were from Papertrey Ink and I thought the face would be a good idea for the treat bags. I used 2 punches to make the tabs and like a scallop for the bottom decoration. I hope you like what I created...just image the endless possibilities that you can make with the treat bags.